We’re absolutely buzzing with excitement to announce the launch of an exciting new feature: Live Check-Ins! This initiative is designed specifically for students in Grades 10-12, GCSE and AS Levels to supercharge their learning and better prepare them for their final exams.

What are live check-ins?

Picture this: joining an engaging live session with a super-smart subject matter expert. These sessions are a golden opportunity for students to connect with teachers and fellow students, fire away those burning questions and dive deep into their subjects.

Why you’ll love live check-ins:

  • Expert guidance: Our brilliant, knowledgeable subject matter experts will share valuable exam tips, tricks and strategies.
  • Interactive learning: Students can work through past papers, discuss typical pitfalls and explore paper trends in a collaborative environment.
  • Peer engagement: Connect with other students, share insights and learn together – making studying feel less like a chore and more like a team sport!
  • Focused preparation: Gain confidence and clarity on challenging topics, ensuring you are well-prepared for your exams.

Schedule and participation (when + how?)

We will be hosting these Live Check-Ins regularly and detailed schedules will be shared on your dashboard under “Termly Planners and Notices” Term 3. You can join sessions relevant to your subjects and grade levels.

We highly encourage everyone to dive in and make the most of these sessions that are designed to supplement your learning and provide you with the tools you need to succeed (and give you the extra edge).

Sessions commence 24 July.

How to Join

  • Log in to your student portal.
  • Navigate to the “Live Check-Ins” section.
  • Select the desired session, RSVP and join at the scheduled time.

We believe that these Live Check-Ins will significantly benefit our students by providing them with additional support and resources as they prepare for their final exams. We encourage all parents to motivate their children to take full advantage of this new feature. Together, we can help our students reach for the stars!

Free trial

Why not try our online learning environment by enroling for our free 14 day trial.

Great reading


Gaining proficiency in English transcends merely passing a test; it’s a gateway to global educational and career prospects. The GCSE English course, offered by Think Digital Academy (TDA), aims to build a strong foundation for students eyeing prestigious universities worldwide. This article will explore the depths of the TDA GCSE English course, offering essential advice to not only succeed in the subject but also to relish the learning process.

Exploring the TDA GCSE English course

A rich curriculum: TDA’s Online GCSE English Language course is carefully designed to boost students’ mastery of English. It emphasises the articulate expression of thoughts and feelings through speaking, reading, writing and understanding, with a strong focus on grammar, punctuation, vocabulary enrichment and cultivating a unique writing style.

Content delivery: A standout feature of the TDA syllabus is its emphasis on delivering course material in a fun, engaging and interactive way; for example, lessons are presented with the inclusion of simulation videos, in-lesson quizzes, etc.

Course dynamics and evaluations

Qualifications and length: Over 18 to 24 months, the course prepares students for the CIE IGCSE 0500 English First Language qualification, taught through recorded lessons by subject-matter experts.

Curriculum details: It’s structured around key units that include reading texts, transactional, creative and discursive writing. The assessment process involves both assessments evaluated internally and external exams, offering a comprehensive review of students’ abilities.

Homework, review and progress reports

Homework’s importance: Homework is vital for reinforcing lesson content. TDA expects students to undertake significant homework tasks to strengthen their grasp of the material.

Review and feedback: Students are encouraged to use detailed revision cards and notes for exam preparation. Quarterly assessments and tailored feedback from Cambridge qualified educators and assessors ensure students stay on course.

Strategies for GCSE English success

Enhancing reading skills: Success in GCSE English starts with advanced reading abilities. Active engagement with texts, thorough analysis and diversifying reading materials can significantly enhance comprehension and exposure to various writing styles and vocabularies.

Refining writing skills: The key to acing the writing component is clarity of thought, organised arguments and vibrant language. Planning, precise language use and grammatical accuracy are essential for producing compelling essays.

Consistent practice: Achievement in language proficiency demands regular practice, including working with past papers, seeking feedback and writing in various formats to be well-prepared for any exam scenario.

Boosting exam readiness: Effective exam strategies include wise time allocation, maintaining calmness and comprehensively understanding question requirements to avoid off-topic responses.

Advanced success techniques: Expanding one’s vocabulary, utilising all available resources and maintaining a positive attitude can dramatically enhance exam performance and confidence.

By following these insights and approaches, students can excel in their IGCSE English exams and build a strong foundation for future academic and professional success.


What makes an effective GCSE English Language course in an online school?
An impactful course emphasises comprehensive English language mastery through grammar, punctuation, vocabulary development and adapting language for different audiences and contexts.

How is the GCSE English curriculum structured in an online school?
Typically spread over 18 to 24 months, it leads to recognised qualifications, involving study of reading texts and assessed through a mix of internal and external examinations.

Why is homework crucial in GCSE English at an online school?
Homework reinforces lesson concepts, aiding in the solidification of learning and preparing students for various assessments.

How can students excel in GCSE English?
Excellence is achieved through developing strong reading and writing skills, engaging in continuous practice, implementing effective exam strategies and maintaining a constructive mindset.

What strategies enhance exam performance in GCSE English?
Strategies include precise planning, effective time management, maintaining calm under pressure and a deep understanding of exam questions, bolstered by regular practice and a strategic study approach.

Free trial

Why not try our online learning environment by enroling for our free 14 day trial.

Great reading

Moving your child from traditional schooling to online schooling can be a challenging experience for many reasons, but, perhaps one of the more worrying concerns is what to do about your child’s education when their place of learning becomes a threat to their safety?

Some parents simply feel out of their depth when required to devise a full timetable of lessons for their children, and, in the case of older children, parents may lack the necessary knowledge themselves to effectively deliver the subject material being covered appropriately.

So, how can you give your child the best quality education from the comfort and safety of their own home? The answer lies in choosing a British education online, with one of the top online schools like Think Digital Academy.

As Texas heals from their recent school shooting at Robb Elementary School, officials are taking prompt measures to protect students. The shooting brings into question what action President Joe Biden along with US officials will implement that tightens gun control across the nation. Additionally, parents are calling for the dominant schooling system to be questioned and replaced with a secure, safe, and worry-free system like online schooling.

Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, students around the world have attended online schooling by default. However, now that in-person schooling is being deemed safe again, its actual safety is being doubted.

In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at how the schooling system is evolving following the recent shootings in Uvalde, Texas, which killed 19 children and two teachers.

Switch to online schooling

American parents have been speaking out in support of online schooling in light of the recent shooting. Compared to in-person school, online school allows students to receive a quality education from the safety of their home. The risk of a potential shooting isn’t just minimised, it’s completely eliminated.

These calls have been rising as parents are hesitant about whether gun control will be implemented across the nation. As scepticism increases, nationwide interest in online schooling is steadily rising with many parents, students, teachers and education specialists supporting the transition.

Greater security in schools

Amidst the calls for online schooling to become the dominant mode of schooling in the US, there has also been a push for tighter security in schools. Parents are encouraging schools to check each student’s bags before permitting them to safely enter school premises. While this may sound like an invasive measure, it can help save many lives.

Why is a British education the best option?

Online schooling offers considerably more flexibility than attending a local educational institution. As an added benefit, children study familiar subjects and experience familiar teaching styles that help them to feel settled and secure even in an online learning environment.

The teachers at Think Digital Academy are also very highly qualified and experienced specialists in their subjects, and this gives students an advantage since they will be benefiting from lessons delivered by experts in their field. The curriculum is self-paced and lessons can be accessed at any time which allows for a more personalised approach to learning.

Students who complete their British International education, will obtain internationally recognised British qualifications such as the GCSE and AS level certificate, and therefore they will be able to access the further or higher education courses of their choice without any difficulty.


If you’re looking for a schooling system that grants greater flexibility to students, online schooling should be your top pick. Compared to conventional school, online school allows students to enjoy a healthier school-life balance.

Why? Well, conventional schooling often drains students, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and exhausted. After shuffling in and out of classes all day, they return home with little to no energy left to enjoy new hobbies, interests, explorations, excursions and activities with the same vigour.

The online schooling system grants students more time. The classes are shorter since they’re more focused. As a result, students are more engaged with their lessons which increases their knowledge absorption and retention capacity. Once they’re done with learning for the day, they can enjoy a wide range of non-academic pursuits.

Academic growth

In most conventional schools, the student-teacher ratio is extremely high. As 25+ students are taught by one teacher, they struggle to stay on track. They may zone out, lose the gist of the lesson, or fail to get adequate answers to their questions. The teachers have so much going on that they simply cannot provide individualised attention to every student.

Online schooling eliminates this risk. Lessons are recorded and taught by experienced, MA/PhD subject specialists that can be watched and re-watched at the student’s leisure.

Personal and social development

Every parent wants their child to secure top grades. However, this shouldn’t be your sole focus. You should also encourage your child to play their favourite sports, socialise with their friends and work on their personal growth. Online schooling gives students ample opportunities to grow in an academic and non-academic capacity.

In conventional schools, there’s a high risk of school bullying. As a result, students feel discouraged, demotivated and insecure. They may become withdrawn and feel unsure about taking on new challenges and getting out of their comfort zone.

At Think Digital Academy, the online “campus” environment is assiduously moderated by an empathetic team of online Student Success Coaches who encourage students to accept, respect and appreciate each other so there’s no risk of bullying, which can easily clip children’s wings.

If you’re considering making the switch from in-person schooling to online schooling for your children, make sure you do your research. Presently, parents can choose from dozens of online institutions across the globe. However, many of them lack experience, qualified teachers and a strong curriculum.

At Think Digital Academy, we have over 6 years of experience. Our MA/PhD qualified subject specialist teachers work assiduously to provide a quality online British education to students living in the US, South Africa and other countries across the globe.

Free trial

Give our online learning platform a try and enrol for our free 14 day trial today.

Among Cambridge students, there exists a rumour… A rumour that, one day, you may be walking about your business – perhaps down a scenic backstreet, or along the famous King’s Parade – and you may feel a discreet tap on your shoulder. What does it mean? It means, of course, that your invitation has finally arrived… Your invitation to become a spy. Cambridge has a long-running association with secret intelligence, which has helped, and hindered, Britain through times of war and peace.

But wait, what does that mean?

It simply means that you’re one of the select chosen few who’ve graduated with an academic passport to further your studies, just about anywhere in the world.

One of the most popular globally recognised curricula is the Cambridge International Examinations: Advanced Level (CIE), more commonly known as the Cambridge International (GCE) A Level and AS Level.

Through CIE, you can gain A Level qualifications, made up of AS Levels and A Levels, as private candidates at registered Cambridge examination centres.

Online learning certainly looks different than the usual classroom experiences many students are accustomed to, but it doesn’t have to be less interactive, less engaging, or less fun. Crucially, our online lessons allow each student to work at their own pace, in their own space, best suited to their needs, making for a unique, personalised learning experience. Think Digital Academy (TDA) is perfect for any student looking to make a good decision about their university career or to expand their knowledge in their chosen subjects. Our students often tell us that their TDA experience was a pivotal factor in their decision to study a particular subject at a higher level. Our online lessons have been designed with that feedback in mind.

So, what are A Levels?

According to the official Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) website, “A levels are subject-based qualifications that can lead to university, further study, training, or work. You can normally study three or more A Levels over two years.”

Recognised by universities around the world, the A Levels originated in the United Kingdom (UK).

The A Level qualification has two components: AS Level and A2 Level.

You must study and complete your AS Level before you take your A Level. They take the average of your two scores (50/50) to produce your overall A Level score. Students usually complete the AS Level in their second to last year of high school and the A2 Level in the year after their final high school year.

Both AS and A2 Levels are designed to be year-long courses.

You can sit for the exam two times each year. The first is in May/June, and the second is in October/November.

Some students sit both the AS and A2 Level papers during the same exam periods.

While this might sound more difficult, it comes down to personal preference and schedule. Choose whatever works best for you and your timetable.

While sitting the exams together may offer a heavier workload, this could be a great option if you think you’re less likely to forget the content learned in AS by the time you reach A2.

It’s important to note that students must take AS and A2 Level papers within 12 months of one another. Otherwise, the AS mark “expires” and can’t be combined with the A2 mark to gain an A Level qualification.

How hard are the AS and A2 exams?

At this point, you might be wondering just how difficult the A Levels are and if they’re suitable for you.

The difficulty is something you should take into account when you’re choosing different curricula and subjects.

Although difficulty differs from person to person, you want to make sure that you’re confident you’ll be able to tackle it and perform to a high standard.

Cambridge International Examinations releases online updated syllabuses for all their subjects. Input the keyword you’re looking for along with “Cambridge syllabus”, and you can see what they include in the curriculum.

How to prepare for the AS and A2 exams?

Though the syllabuses may appear long and confusing, choose to focus on the learning objectives. They explain learning expectations and everything about the exams.

The objectives get more difficult because they’re written in the order they’re taught. To get an idea of the difficulty, scroll down to the bottom to check out the more difficult topics.

You can also look at past papers online. Because A Levels are a popular curriculum, many online resources are available.

Use past papers to get a better sense of the exams and their difficulty level by skimming through their content. You can also use these to get an idea of the exam structure.

Try to look at past papers from recent years because they tend to get more difficult as time goes on! Even better, look at specimen papers (fancy term for sample papers) for the current year released on the Cambridge website to get the most up-to-date examples.

How are the AS and A2 Level exams assessed?

You don’t necessarily need to get 70% or 90% of the questions correct, to get a 70% or 90% on your report card.

Scaling makes this possible.

All exams are scaled on a bell curve, so raw grades are often inflated. Your score might inflate 1%-15% depending on where you score, the difficulty of the paper, and the subject you choose to take.

If the past papers look impossible, do not fear! You may be getting an unrealistic representation of your final score.

When looking at past papers, always look at the grade and scaling boundaries of that year’s exam.

Now you should have a broad understanding of how A Levels work, what AS and A2 Levels are, and how together, they give you your overall mark.

But what is the difference between AS and A2 Levels?

They may have minor differences in exam structure. For example, AS science papers have a multiple-choice component but A2 science papers do not. However, the two levels still have a lot in common.

They are both one-year courses.

They both require a year-long study that culminates in a series of exams.

They both count for 50% of your final A Level mark.

A2 Levels are generally harder than AS Levels. They build on the knowledge you learn taking your AS papers.

Many A2 Level papers also test on the content covered in the AS papers. For example, business studies A2 exams require you to recall knowledge from AS business studies.

Resources for AS and A2 Levels

Many resources are available to help with your AS and A2 studies.

Cambridge publishes a set of textbooks geared towards the curriculum of each subject. These textbooks offer comprehensive cover for both the AS and A2 courses.

Alternatively, you could buy study guides and textbooks produced by other companies that target A Level students.

Final thoughts

The A Level curriculum is a hugely popular, internationally recognised curriculum that helps you secure your place at a top university. Whether you’re hoping to attend Stanford, Oxford, or Harvard, A Levels are the high school curriculum to help get you there!

Cambridge International A Levels are offered in 55 subjects.

A Levels is an incredible curriculum that opens up many tertiary opportunities for high school students.

Unlike other curricula, coursework or classroom participation grades don’t affect the final score of AS and A2 courses.

Your entire grade is determined by how you perform in your final exams.

While you may think that this is an excellent opportunity for you to procrastinate, think again!

Prepare and study throughout the year so you don’t jeopardise your final grade. Take notes and keep up with the content.

Next steps

Try out or free two week trial and see whether this is a curriculum that is suitable for you!

We think you should and here’s why:

The world renowned British International curriculum, which we offer at Think Digital Academy, is an internationally recognised qualification, currently offered in over 160 countries across the world, and in over 10 000 schools or colleges. Our world today has become, more and more, a global village, and arming your child with an internationally acclaimed and respected education is the way to go.

In the hundreds of nations where the British International curriculum is taught across the world, there are variations and adaptations inculcated to suit local contexts.

Where does British Assessment International Education take you?

Success in British International qualifications often gives students admission to the best universities all over the world including, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany and many other countries worldwide.

British International qualifications are accepted and valued by universities around the world, including MIT, Harvard and Cambridge.

They are recognised as qualifications that prepare and equip students with the skills they need to succeed both at university and beyond. According to the British Assessment International Education, feedback from universities is that they value the independent research and critical thinking skills, as well as the deep subject knowledge that a British International qualification brings.

The British International curriculum has a clear path for a student which runs from the age of 5 to 19. British International primary is from age 5 to age 11, and it consists of 10 subjects including English, Mathematics and Science.

British International lower secondary also consists of 10 subjects. The age group in this category is from 11 to 14 years old. From 14 to 16 years old, it is referred to as British International upper secondary. This stage identifies British International IGCSE [which has over 70 subjects], British International AS/A level and the British International AICE certificate.

But why British International curriculum?

Skills acquired through the British International pathway equip learners with the ability to thrive at university and beyond. The four stages named above (British International primary to British International advanced level) all build on each other systematically. This is vital as it builds on previous learning in a systematic and creative manner.

Through a combination of the programmes students are encouraged to develop higher-order thinking skills, problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, independent research abilities and information interpretation. These lifetime skills prepare learners well for their academic journey.

British International schools can tailor the British International international curriculum to their culture, and ethos and to suit students’ needs. Many schools around the world use British International programmes and qualifications as the English-medium strand of a bilingual education programme.

Professionals from American universities do concur that British International is a good foundation for students. The academic skills that British International students display are second to none and they are well prepared for college. Students who have experienced the British International curriculum are able to survive and adapt to the rigorous environment in tertiary institutions.

The students are more willing to take part in academic communities and other societies, which enables them to be part of the university holistically.

Another positive attribute noted by the admissions personal of the University of Virginia is that British International students have great writing skills as well as comprehension skills. Arizona State University enrolment services alluded that British International learners match the Arizona preparatory units and perform very well.

Students at Brown University who have a background of British International are said to perform in the 90s and they graduate on time.

British International exams are taken in June or November. The time table is carefully crafted in a manner that no student can have more than six hours of examination per day. Exams for the same subjects are taken at the same time for security and credibility; this is the British International key time rule.

Think Digital Academy offers you an opportunity to be part of this globally acknowledged academic programme. We offer the British International curriculum in a conducive, fun and creative manner. Our hands-on approach creates a holistic learning environment. We produce students who are well groomed independent thinkers, flexible and well prepared to take on the world.

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