In-person tutor services (1) | Online tutors (5)
In-person tutor services
BrightSparkz Tutors
Contact: +27 (0)87 049 0175,
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: In-person tutors in Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Port Elizabeth
Online tutors
AJ Tutoring – Online
Contact: Ashton de Kock, +27 (0)71 347 2237,
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International
Level of education: Both Primary and High school
EduExcellence Studio Online
Contact: Yolande , +27 (0)65 862 0026,
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: High school (remedial)
School of Online Education
Contact: Kaitlin Schmidt, +27 (0)71 878 6080,
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International
Level of education: Primary and High school
The Development Centre
Contact: Shafi Hamdani, +27 (0)82 970 2668,
Curricula: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary school
Wonder Tutor
Contact: Marelize Boshoff, +27 (0)83 397 0444,
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International
Level of education: Primary and High school