• Educational Support Centres: Eastern Cape

Coaching hubs: Eastern Cape

B Barkly East (1) Bathurst (0) E East London (10) G Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth) (6) K Kariega (formerly Uitenhage) (1) M Maclear (1) P Port Alfred (3) S St Francis Bay (1) Stutterheim (1)

Barkly East

Growing Minds for All

Contact: Julianna Meyer, +27 (0)61 505 2594, jlherholdt@gmail.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Barkly East

East London

A@A Online Edu Hub

Contact: Esmaralda Hand, +27 (0)71 885 9398, essyhand@gmail.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International, United States GED
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Nahoon Valley Park, East London

Cambrai Academy Online

Contact: Lakin Thompson, +27 (0)61 547 2476, callyn@cambraiacademy.co.za
Curriculum: United States GED
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Gonubie, East London

Cove Woods Learning Centre

Contact: Diane Smith, +27 (0)82 772 9961, Diane.smith02el@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary school
Location: Chintsa West, East London

Fig Tree Independent School

Contact: Dianne Lehy, +27 (0)82 770 4336, dilehy@gmail.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Brakfontein, East London

Goss Christian Centre

Contact: Nerissa Goss, +27 (0)81 029 5339, academyels@saaac.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Beacon Bay, East London

Home of Modern Learning

Contact: Kathleen, +27 (0)83 560 7319, info@homeofmodernlearning.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, United States GED
Level of education: High school
Location: Vincent Heights, East London

Lesson Lab East London

Contact: Lynn Glover, +27 (0)43 726 4261, eastlondon@lessonlab.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Vincent, East London

Poimen Training and Motivation

Contact: Heidi Vermaak, +27 (0)81 241 1317, poimen.training@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Vincent, East London

The Study Squad

Contact: Janet Taylor, +27 (0)73 338 2743, janet@thestudysquad.co.za
Curricula: South African CAPS, United States GED
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Kwelega, East London


Contact: Joan Nel, +27 (0)83 254 9614, tutoring@mywhiteboard.co.za
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Beacon Bay, East London


Core Bridge Academy

Contact: Lynn Futter, +27 (0)60 965 2789, admin@corebridge.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS, British International, United States GED
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Walmer, Gqeberha

Eagerkids Academy

Contact: Jessica, +27 (0)83 658 5278, jmuller042@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Location: Kabega Park, Gqeberha

Newton Park Homeschool Academy

Contact: Sean Hess, +27 (0)82 612 7845 , nphacademy@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS, British International, United States GED
Level of education: Primary school
Location: Cotswold, Gqeberha

Port Elizabeth Tutor Centre

Contact: Kobus du Toit, +27 (0)72 687 4455, kobusdut@gmail.com
Curricula: South African CAPS, British International, United States GED
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Sunridge Park, Gqeberha

The Learning Academy

Contact: Jill Barclay, +27 (0)82 874 1865, jill@thelearningacademygq.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Walmer, Gqeberha

TouchBase Coaching and Academic

Contact: Yolandi Garden, +27 (0)82 853 8944, admin@touchbasesa.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS, British International, United States GED
Level of education: High school
Location: Walmer, Gqeberha


All About Kids Education Centre

Contact: Candace Davis, +27 (0)82 712 5323, cdavisallaboutkids@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS, British International, United States GED
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Kariega


Fairlight Academy

Contact: Megan Bezuidenhout, +27 (0)84 200 2548, admin@fairlightacademy.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Maclear

Port Alfred

Brilliant Learning Centre

Contact: Heidi Kantor, +27 (0)83 938 1025, heidikantor@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Port Alfred

Marina’s Tiny Tots

Contact: Ilse Strombeck, +27 (0)82 763 1105, ilsedames01@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Port Alfred

Port Alfred Heros

Contact: Elizabeth, +27 (0)62 442 7218, bessiejordaan30@gmail.com
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Port Alfred

St Francis Bay

Seeds of Intention

Contact: Jayd van Tonder, +27 (0)76 556 3088, jaydw01@gmail.com
Curriculum: British International
Level of education: Primary school
Location: St Francis Bay


New Beginnings Home School

Contact: Ricardo, +27 (0)43 683 1562, radtek@mweb.co.za
Curriculum: South African CAPS
Level of education: Primary and High school
Location: Stutterheim